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Writer's pictureCory Withers


“Everybody loves you until you become competition.” - Trent Shelton

Do your friends support you?

Not like loaning you a few bucks when you need it but do they actually want you to win?

Are they genuinely happy when you have success?

Or do they not even acknowledge your accomplishments?

Friends can be interesting and in my life I’ve found there to be two different types:

Surface level friends and genuine friends.

Surface level friends are the ones that pretend that they want you to win at life but really, they’re competing with you. It seems like they want you to be successful… just as long as you’re not more successful than them. They have a hard time finding and dealing with competition in their own lives so they, in turn, try to create an ego-driven competition with their friends working to get better. They may act like they want you to do well but deep down, they’d prefer you to fall flat on your fucking face so they can “be there for you” and feel better about the things lacking in their own lives.

Genuine friends, by contrast, are the real ones. These are the people that have your best interests in mind. Typically, they are happy with their own lives, comfortable in their own skin, and they want you to win. They don’t compete with you. They don’t find ways to bring you down. They hold you accountable for your lack of effort and initiative. They boost you up and bring out the best in you.

These are the people that will make up your close circle of friends.

The truth is, the surface level friends will eventually weed themselves out. Their energy and vibes will no longer be compatible with yours as you move through this life in search of becoming your own hero. And as bad as that can fucking suck, it’s for the better. And while your surface level friends will work their way out, your genuine friends will rise to the top. They will fuck with your vibes. They will understand you and help you progress on your journey to becoming the best version of yourself.

In turn, while contemplating who in your life is genuine or surface level, think about what kind of friend you are.

Are you a surface level friend?

Are you truly happy when you see a friend winning?

Do you support their decisions and cheer on their progress?

Or are you one of those who can’t understand why someone you call a friend is doing better than you?

I’m as guilty as anyone of being a half-assed friend. But as I move forward in my life, I have come to realize that and put focus on being more genuine; especially to those who have been genuine towards me.

As you continue on your journey, think about those people who have been supportive of you through your wins and losses and strive to be more like them.

Be a real one. And, in turn, the real ones will be there for you.


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